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Fundraising for Playgroup!

We are very excited to announce the total monies raised from recent fundraising events.

Our celebration of World Book Week added to the Usborne Book Orders received and your involvement in the Ready Steady Listen activity has raised £284.98!

Biggest thank you to everyone who took part! Thank you for sharing your favourite books for show and tell, the book orders placed and the sponsors collected for listening minutes! This money will help buy lots of new Usborne books for Playgroup! Brilliant!

Our Name the Bear competition competition not only gave our new bear the name Buddy, but also raised £5 for Playgroup.

Thank you for all the suggestions, Buddy is loving his new official name! Keep an eye out for more news about Buddy Bear soon!

Thank you all again.

Happy Easter!

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07582 371984

The WI Hall, Feltwell, Thetford IP26 4DB, UK

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